AE Polysilicon Phone Numbers & Location
Phone Numbers:
Office: (215) 337-9000
Fax: (215) 337-8183
KIPC Complex
150 Roebling Road
Fairless Hills, PA 19030
PLEASE NOTE: The above address DOES NOT show up in MAPQUEST or GPS. If you plan on using any of those, please enter the following address:
1777 S. Pennsylvania Ave.
Morrisville, PA 19067
From there, continue driving south on S. Pennsylvania Ave., going under the overpass and to the gates at the Keystone Industrial Port Complex (KIPC)
• From Philadelphia (South) to Fairless KIPC
1. Follow signs to I-95 North
2. Continue on I-95 North to the second US Route 1 Exit (Exit No. 46A - Morrisville)
3. Take Route 1 North for about 4 miles, exit at South Pennsylvania Avenue.
4. Stay on Pennsylvania Ave South until the end (2 miles) – enter access code at the gate
• From New Jersey (North) to Fairless KIPC
1. Take Route 1 South to Pennsylvania
2. Cross the Delaware Bridge
3. Exit at South Pennsylvania Ave., after the toll.
4. Stay on Pennsylvania Ave South until the end (2 miles) – enter access code at the gate
• From New Jersey to Fairless KIPC (Via NJ Turnpike)
1. NJ Turnpike South exit 7A to I-195 West (Trenton).
2. I-195 ends, continue on route 29 North.
3. Take the exit onto US-1 South toward Morrisville.
4. Exit at South Pennsylvania Ave., after the toll.
5. Continue to gate and enter access code.
• From Western Pennsylvania (Via Turnpike) to Fairless KIPC
1. Take PA Turnpike East.
2. Exit Turnpike at US-1 (Exit #351) toward Trenton.
3. Continue on Rt. 1 North for approx. 9 miles, exit at South Pennsylvania Ave.
4. Stay on Pennsylvania Ave South until the end (2 miles) – enter access code at the gate